Beauty to Share by Wardah Cosmetics
Ceritanya lagi ikutan make up class
lumayan banget lhoo, cukup bayar 5000 bisa dapet udah dapet snack + voucher + make up kit yang disediain sama wardah
pengennya sering-sering aja ada acara kayak gini

Hi you ! I am 26 years old girl named Ria. I am a Nutritionist who love travelling. I have a dream to travel around the world. I also love cooking as much as I love food. I write what I want to share to release my stress and calm my mind. So just enjoy reading :)
Look at the stars. Look how they shine for you and everything you do. So just love what you do and do what you love. Keep believing that God has a beautiful plan for you and His plans are better than your dreams.
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