Popular Fermented Food : Tempeh
Tempeh is a popular fermented food in Indonesia and now, it is also popular in the United States and Europe. Tempeh is a fermented product made from soybeans that have been soaked and cooked to soften them. Not only Soybeans, other substrates can be used to produce Tempeh, such as barley, maize, wheat, etc. Tempeh contained many nutrients, such as protein, fiber, vitamin B12, etc. It requires a starter substance to cook the beans that called Rhizopus oligosporus. It is the dominant tempeh fungus, although it also requires other microorganisms, such as R.stolonifier, R.arrhizus, R.oryzae, R.formosaensis and etc that may contribute to the flavor, texture, and nutritive value.

The production processes of tempeh are started from dried soybeans that are hydrated by soaking in cold water overnight or for a shorter period of time if warm water is used. The pH of the solution (mixture of water and acetic acid or lactic acid) and soybeans must be 5 or below. This step is performed to discourage growth of undesired microorganisms. After hydration, the skins on each bean are removed to encourage better growth of the mould. This step can be done by rubbing the beans together with hands or by other mechanical means. The skinned beans are then partially cooked by boiling them in the acidic soaking water at 100 °C for 90 minutes. After that, it is drained and cooled to 37-38 oC. Then, it is mixed by the Rhizopus and placed on covered trays in a layer no thicker than 2 inches. The mould grows better in high humidity levels. However, no liquid water should be in contact with the beans. The ideal temperature for Rhizopus growth is 37 oC. Finally, fermentation takes a day to be tempeh for consumption.

Soybean's key health benefits are related to its excellent protein content, its high levels of essential fatty acids, numerous vitamins and minerals. It is also contained isoflavines and fibre. Tempeh contains a wealth of nutrients that important for health including decreased risk of heart disease and strokes, osteoporosis, cancer and digestive disorders, losing excess weight in addition to easing some of the symptoms of menopause.
Research suggests that consuming soy protein may help protect bones, especially for post-menopausal women whose risk of osteoporosis is increased. Beside that, other research said that 25 grams of soy protein a day as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease. Research studies have observed that consumption of soy protein contribute to weight loss because of its low-calorie and low-carbohydrate content.

Many current health recommendations suggest limiting animal protein, so substituting tempeh for chicken, beef, or pork makes sense. Most of the non-vegetarians started to consume soy protein Tempeh instead of meat. Tempeh is a low cost nutritious food and can consume by all socio-economic groups and all ages.
It is summary of Journal "A Low Nutritious Food "Tempeh" - A Review "
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