A Short Escape to Kampung Coklat Blitar

By December 28, 2017

Hello December !!!

the last month of the year

It"s really hard to say goodbye to this year when I did nothing in this year :( :( :(

well, I didn't write something for a long time
did you miss me?
I guess you guys will scream a lot "NOOOO", haha :D :D

before I told you about Kampung Coklat, let me share pics that was taken in there :P :P :P

Kampung Coklat or Chocolate Village is one of the tourism object in Blitar, East Java. It's located in Jl. Banteng Blorok Blitar. when I visited this place, it's really super duper crowded (maybe because it's holiday). to enter and enjoy this place, you should pay Rp5000,00 for admission fee. in the centre of this area, there is a large dining area surrounded by chocolate trees so it's so cozy. you can enjoy fish therapy with paying Rp5000,00. On weekend, you can enjoy music perfomance. 

I think it's like "pusat oleh-oleh". it's a little bit different with my expectation, hehe :D

if you really like chocolate, I really recommend this place. why? you can find a lot of product made from chocolate. I bought chocolate drink and it's so tasty. sweet and bitter at the same time. haha

besides chocolate drink, you can buy traditional food with chocolate flavour, like carang mas, keripik pisang, molen, and others. of course, you can find chocolate candy with a lot of flavour, like orange flavour, apple flavour, or chocolate candy without added flavour

well, now I'll share some photos of me and my family when I visited Kampung Coklat.

well, that's all my christmas vacation

have a nice holiday every one :) :) :)

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