Hello October !

By August 25, 2020

Selamat datang oktober !

Ternyata sudah 1 bulan aja nih, wkwk, maksudnya 1 bulan aku di Jombang, ketemu sama orang2 baru, memperdalam bahasa jawa, wkwk, sekedar TMI yaa, awalnya susah sekali ngomong bahasa jawa meskipun ngoko, tapi setiap aku ngomong bahasa Indonesia selalu dibales bahasa Jawa halus kan lama2 jadi sungkan, akhirnya dibiasakan dan setidaknya 1 bulan ini aku merasa bahasa jawaku lebih baik wkwk (meskipun campur2 tidak jelas :D) Memang bener yaa bahasa itu paling mudah dikuasai kalo diterapkan sehari-hari 

Well, I feel okay right now, terimakasih untuk diriku yang telah bertahan sejauh ini, terimakasih untuk diriku yang tetap bersabar menghadapi kegilaan 2020 ini,

You do the right things, now you should love yourself more !



Am I okay?

Am I alright?

I am still asking myself those question.

But at the end I know that I'm still not okay :)

Because sometimes I feel so mad and blue, but I can do nothing to make you stay with me, haha

It's so annoying. For the first time in my life, I felt so disappointed till I can't stop crying haha :D

I know it sounds too much but you should know it's the worst break up I've ever had!

and right now I'm trying to convince myself that you will never comeback because you've already find new one

Thank you and Goodbye !

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