Western Wedding : Will you choose Western style for your wedding?

By March 17, 2016

Do you have relatives that live in another country? Have you ever watched western wedding? I’m sure if you like watching western movie, you must have watched it, but if you don’t like watching western movie, let me tell you about it. 

Western wedding is a celebration using western style in which two people are united in marriage. The event begins when the bride that wears white wedding gown comes in the church with his father. When the bride comes to the church, all guests will stand up. After that, the bride’s father gives the bride to the groom that has waited for her in the church altar. When the bride and the groom get ready to be blessed, the priest ask all guests to sit down. The blessing is presided by the priest. After blessing and exchanging of vows, the bride and the groom exchange rings. 

Their rings are brought by the best man. It is the best friend from the bride and the groom. After they exchange rings, they make wedding kiss. The bride and the groom kiss in front of all guests. After that, the newly weds go to the church yard. In the church yard, the bride that accompany the groom throw a bouquet of flower that will be caught by some girls. Then, the bride and the groom leave the church and go to wedding hall to make wedding reception.  

The first event of wedding reception is speeches that are given by some relatives of the bride and the groom. In this occasion, the father of the bride and the groom also give speech and some advice. The last speeches are from the bride and the groom. In this speech, they will say their gratitude to their parents. Then, the bride and the groom cut the wedding cake. After that, they pour the champange and make wedding toast with all guests. The last event is the newlyweds dance together as new spouses. 

Will you choose western style for your wedding? If you want to do, so you can get more information about western wedding. 

See you ...

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