Give Your Best Smiles !

By November 24, 2014

The most popular advice when you are sad is to smile. Sometimes you are just being skeptical. But befor you get mad, try to smile and enjoy the small facts behind a smile. Forcing a smile actually can boost your mood and relieve stress.

When you smile, your body release endorphins, a chemical inside your body that induce happiness. This endorphins also release when you eat dark chocolate

Think of smile as an exercise. When smiling, people tend to use up to 53 muscles in face.

A simple smile only take 5 muscles. And smiling is easier than frowning, which need at least 11 facial muscles. Smiles are contagious. When someone see another people smile, their muscles automatically will twitched into smiles.

Smile is a universal sign of happiness. Even babies are born with the ability to smile. Newborn can smile during their sleep eventhough they never learn how to do it. Since smile is more attractive than any make up, smiles can also help you to increase your career. Smiling person is considered to be more sociable and confidence.

You know, a smile is the best make up any girl can wear :)

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